Finding, Exploring, Collecting, and Sharing Web Tools!

Drawing/Creativity Tools

SketchFu is a fun way to draw.  Create a drawing, save and play back as a movie of the drawing being created. If you have a webpage, you can Embed your animated drawing.  You can also share the link with others as I have done below.

View an example of how this tool works Click here!

Create and share custom animations. Collaborate with others by using and sharing props.

Magic Pen - Bubble Box  Create and share custom animations. Collaborate with others by using and sharing props.

Paper Critters   Online application for the creation and storing of digital paper toys.

Click the box above to see an example of Mrs. James Paper Critter!



Dropbox is a 2 GB e-vault tool that allows teachers to drop files in an online folder and sync it with multiple computers. For example, I might create a file on my MacBook at school, move it into my Dropbox folder and then open it up on my Dell at home. No jump drives to lose or accidentally wash and no email files that are too large to send. Plus, as an added bonus, I can create collaborative folders in Dropbox to share with partner teachers. Love it!

My Live Signature

Ever wanted to spice up your posts, emails, blogs and other digital content? Want your own free personal signature?  Create your own personal signature

Create a signature to use online!  You can upload your real signature - or choose from various examples on this website.  You can add your signature to your blog or to your email.  See an example below of my signature. You can also animate it as well - however it does cost money!


Creating a  signature

Select the method you want to use to create the signature.
Using the signature creation wizard
Select this method if you want to get an imitation of your signature. You will have to enter the name of the signature, select the handwriting that suits you from the offered list, specify the size, color and slope of the signature and it will be ready! View examples
Hand draw your own personal signature
Use your mouse or pen to hand make your own personal signature straight on your screen!
Using a scanned image
Select this method if you want to get an exact copy of your signature. You will have to write your signature on a sheet of paper, scan it and send it to us. Our designers will process the image in a short period of time and use it to create a signature for you. View examples

Tell a Friend

Click here to visit tellaFriend to create your own button now!

Add a button to your blog to allow your visitors to share your blog!

SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Hand drawn fonts to download!

Get those fonts here!

Glitter Text Maker

Click here to create your own! - Glitter Graphics


Stixy is an online bulletin board. Create as many Stixyboards as you like, one for each project. Use Stixy to easily organize and share:
  • Your family’s schedule
  • Projects at work
  • An upcoming holiday with your friends
  • Your photos from your last bike trip
  • Or share a file or two with a friend

Only you set the limitations for how you want to use Stixy.

Be creative! We have no fixed grid that you need to follow. Can you see the widgets in the widget tray below? Just drag a widget out on the board and place it anywhere you want. Resize it, move it around, and select from a number of options to design your reminders, photos, notes, and files.

To share a Stixyboard with friends, family, or your colleagues at work, is as easy as it gets. Sometimes it’s nice or in fact necessary to have an online space for common photos, reminders, files, and so forth. Each Stixyboard has a unique set of members. No one else can see or use your board unless you choose to open your board for public view.

Visit Stixy here!


Visit Magnoto here!

Utilize Magnoto to post and share text, audio, video, and pictures.  You can add content to your page via email.  You can set up your Magnoto so that anything you send to your special Magnoto email address, automatically gets uploaded and placed on your online page.

Set up an account.

Type with Me!

A web based word processor that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real time. Each editor is in a different color.  Save revisions. Share.  Export.