Finding, Exploring, Collecting, and Sharing Web Tools!

Mystery Guitarman’s iMouth

PDF Crowd is a site that turns web pages into PDF files.  Copy the URL and paste it into the address box on, click convert to PDF and you have your file.
The links on the website still work converted into a PDF file.


Do you want to use only a snippet of an YouTube video?  Now you can!

Go to Paste in the URL of the video you want to chop.  Slide the fuschia pink slider beneath the video to the section that you want.  Click Chop It. And there you have it.  A snippet of only what you want.  How cool is that.

1. Find the video you want to chop.
2. Select & cut interesting part of the video.
3. Share it with friends.

Virtual Drums

Play virtual drums by clicking the corresponding keys.  Choose from various drum sets! Have fun!